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Challenges can be an effective method of drawing leads into your sales funnel. Participants work towards a common objective during a challenge and receive step-by-step guidance to resolve a previously unsolved issue. Challenges can range in duration, but starting with...
As a coach, one of the most important aspects of your business is creating offers and packages that provide value to your clients and set you apart from the competition. Crafting compelling offers can be the difference between a thriving business and one that...
As a coach, healer, wellness professional, or spiritual guide, you're passionate about helping people improve their life or well-being and achieve their goals. But with so much content online, it can take time to stand out and reach your target audience. Creating...
Social media has become a popular tool for businesses to promote their offerings and create awareness. While it is a great platform, there's an even better strategy that can bring better results with a little extra effort and planning: doing your own publicity. In...
Writing blogs and online articles is an integral part of Internet marketing. The following tips will help you increase your readership and share your expertise. 1. Connect. Write to your audience and connect with them. Instead of writing like a robot with keywords,...
As blogging has evolved into a platform for building trust and sharing information with prospective clients, there are a few things you should never write in a blog. These things tend to lesson your professionalism and turn readers and clients away. Keep these in mind...
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Serena Carcasole is a Best Selling Author, Visibility Specialist, and Lead Generation Expert. Founder of the Amazing Coaches Network, Amazing Women Entrepreneurs Network, Thriving Women Magagzine, and host of the Amazing Women of Influence podcast. Learn more here.