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Don't think publishing a book is a thing of the past because books are definitely for the present. If you've ever wanted to write a book, now is the time! You can easily publish and sell your book online. There are hundreds of online and in-person marketing...
The start of a new year is the perfect time for coaches and transformational entrepreneurs to reflect on their progress and create goals to drive business success in the coming months and years. You need to set your sights high to take your business to new heights....
You become a jack of all trades when you commit to starting and running your own business. In the beginning, you do it all: You take care of the paperwork to make your company official. You build your website. You upload videos and social media posts. You learn how to...
Creativity is vital when marketing on social media! Tailoring your marketing message to the social media platform, you're using, and your target audience is essential. Developing a winning message may take trial and error, but it will be worth the effort! Here are...
What does that little voice in your head tell you about money? Does it ever say things like, “I despise budgets,” “I’ve never been good with money,” “My ideal clients will never pay higher fees,” or “I’ll never earn what I want to”? If so, you’ve engaged in an...
It is essential to have a marketing message that targets your audience, gets their attention, and convinces them to buy YOUR product or service. Here are five easy steps to creating compelling marketing messages that do just that! 1. Know Your Target Audience and...
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Serena Carcasole is a Best Selling Author, Visibility Specialist, and Lead Generation Expert. Founder of the Amazing Coaches Network, Amazing Women Entrepreneurs Network, Thriving Women Magagzine, and host of the Amazing Women of Influence podcast. Learn more here.