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Social media has become a popular tool for businesses to promote their offerings and create awareness. While it is a great platform, there's an even better strategy that can bring better results with a little extra effort and planning: doing your own publicity. In this article, we'll discuss why this approach is more effective than relying solely on social media.

A Focused Strategy

While social media is a wide net that can help to create awareness, it can be unfocused. Posts, interactions, feedback, and observations are part of the social media experience, but they sometimes bring little results. On the other hand, doing your own publicity is a more focused strategy that can bring about better results.

Publicity involves identifying journalists and influencers interested in writing about your business and sending them a story they can publish. By taking control of what the public sees and how they see it, you can create a well-crafted message that reaches the right people with specific needs for your product or service. This results in more significant returns.

A More Credible Message

Social media can be a great platform to broadcast your message, but it can be challenging to build credibility on these platforms because they are so easy to use. Anyone can start a Facebook Page or Twitter account, and their messages can sometimes be viewed as less credible.

Established publicity methods provide a better way to build trust with your target audience. Your story appears in legitimate publications written by known journalists and trusted influencers, making your message more credible and building your reputation in the market.

Building Valuable Relationships

Social media connections aren't always genuine, and many of the relationships formed on these platforms can be superficial. Doing your own publicity requires you to build genuine relationships with journalists and influencers who can report on your story. Over time, you can build strong relationships with these individuals, who have large audiences of highly engaged followers, and multiply the results of your efforts.

Multiplying Your Results

Social media requires daily efforts to post and interact; it can take a long time to see actual results. While it's a gradual process, the results of having one highly targeted story published about your business can go much further and faster. Doing your own publicity requires more planning and preparation, but it ends with a message with more significant impact and staying power.

Taking Aim at Your Goals

When doing your own publicity, you're in complete control from start to finish, allowing you to achieve your goals better. The specific goal you're aiming for determines everything you do, from the story you tell to the publications you target.

In conclusion, while social media is a great platform to get started with, doing your own publicity can bring better results. This approach is more focused, builds a more credible message, allows for building valuable relationships, multiplies your results, and will enable you to aim for your goals. If you need help to get the publicity you want through social media, consider a complete program that teaches you the A-Z of doing your own publicity. With this knowledge, you'll be able to hit your sales targets and help more people.

Are you struggling to get free publicity? Check out my “Attract Free Publicity For Your Business: A Step-by-Step Blueprint to Get Influencers and The Media to Talk About Your Business” course in The Six-Figure Entrepreneurs Club, so you can hit your sales targets and help more people. Check it out here.